There is a big guilty expression on my clients’ faces generally when they ask me if it is ok to have fake plants and it pleases me to see the huge sigh of relief when I give my response, “use what is best for you!”

Yes! Real plants offer a beautiful energy all to themselves. They add chi and light and health to a space, but, if they are not kept up, or do not get the light, water, nutrients they need, they wither and die, and that death is a negative vortex of energy!
Fake plants may not have the same natural energetic properties to the space, but they do not add stress to someone who is not plant savvy, and they do provide a psychological impact of uplifting chi energy… which is what we want!

So if you are debating whether to get real or fake plants, choose what is right for your lifestyle and keep in mind that it is the intention they support in your life more than the actual energy they give off. If you do keep fake plants, I do advise wiping them down or washing them regularly… And replacing them when they begin to look tattered as some are want to do in homes with children or pets!

Enjoy your plants, real or fake, and let the chi shine on!!!